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Willem Dafoe stars in NELSON ALGREN LIVE, a performance documentary of some of Nelson Algren's greatest works set against his personal history and the history of the marginalized people of post-war Chicago.
4 de jun. de 2016 · Nelson Algren Live es una película estrenada en el año 2016 dirigida por Oscar Bucher . Está protagonizada por Willem Dafoe, Russell Banks, Don DeLillo...A performance of some of Nelson Algren's greatest and least known works, performed live at the Steppenwolf theatre in Algren's hometown, ...
One of the most neglected American writers and also one of the best loved, novelist Nelson Algren wrote about the dark underbelly of post-war America before ...
Willem Dafoe stars in NELSON ALGREN LIVE, a performance documentary of some of Nelson Algren’s greatest and least known works, performed live at the Steppenw...
Stream 'Nelson Algren Live' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's...
Willem Dafoe stars in NELSON ALGREN LIVE, a performance of some of Nelson Algren’s greatest and least known works, performed live at the Steppenwolf theatre in Algren’s hometown, Chicago.
--Jan Herman, former Chicago Sun-Times reporter and Algren biographer Nelson Algren Live - a performance documentary about one of America's most beloved and neglected writers, Nelson Algren. Starring Willem Dafoe and Barry Gifford.