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  1. Neil T. Anderson is an American writer on Christianity including Victory Over the Darkness, The Bondage Breaker, The Steps to Freedom in Christ and Daily in Christ. He is founder and president emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries.

  2. Esclavitud contra libertad. Muchas veces nos sentimos atrapados en un círculo vicioso de pecar-confesar que parece interminable. Nos podemos desanimar mucho y terminar cediendo y entregándonos a los pecados de la carne.

  3. The ministry of Neil T. Anderson; we sell many resources written or co-written by Dr. Anderson.

  4. Biografía de Neil Anderson. El Dr. Neil T. Anderson es el fundador y presidente emérito del Ministerio Libertad en Cristo y presidente de Discipleship Counseling Ministries (DCM)

  5. Neil Anderson is a former aerospace engineer, pastor and theologian who founded and leads Freedom In Christ Ministries, a Christian ministry that teaches people how to live free in Christ. He has a Ph.D. in practical theology from Talbot School of Theology and has written several best-selling books on living free in Christ.

  6. Join us with the video teachings of Dr. Neil T. Anderson (author of The Bondage Breaker and Victory Over the Darkness) and the message of Freedom In Christ!

  7. Neil T. Anderson is the founder and president of FICM, a ministry that offers online courses and resources to help people find freedom in Christ. Learn more about his books, podcasts, and discipleship process on the FICM website.