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  1. Skeletal muscles vary in their speeds of contraction. Skeletal muscles, which are responsible for posture and movement, are attached to bones and arranged in opposing groups around joints. For example, muscles that bend the elbow (biceps) are countered by muscles that straighten it (triceps). These countering movements are balanced.

  2. The muscular system is an organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. It permits movement of the body, maintains posture, and circulates blood throughout the body. [1] The muscular systems in vertebrates are controlled through the nervous system although some muscles (such as the cardiac muscle) can be completely autonomous.

  3. Les muscles squelettiques sont reliés au squelette, soit à un os, soit à des tissus conjonctifs tels que des ligaments. Les muscles sont toujours fixés à deux endroits ou plus. Lorsque le muscle se contracte, les sites de fixation se rapprochent ; lorsqu'il se relâche, les sites de fixation s'éloignent. 3. Les muscles tirent sur les os ...

  4. Muscles auriculaires (muscles antérieur, supérieur et postérieur) Muscle orbiculaire de l'œil (parties orbitaire, palpébrale et lacrymale) Muscle procérus (muscle pyramidal), impair. Muscle élévateur (commun) de la lèvre supérieure et de l'aile du nez (muscle naso-labial ou grand sus-maxillo-labial) Muscle petit zygomatique.

  5. 1. 腕力 を備えている こと. ( possessing muscular strength) 2. 権威 、 権力 、 または 力 ( 特に 高圧的 に 使用される ときの ). ( authority or power or force ( especially when used in a coercive way )) the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign その上 院議 員 は 党首 が 辞任 ...

  6. The snapshot icon at the top center will take a snapshot of your scene that can then be saved as a jpg or drawn on with the included pen tools. Zygote Body is a free online 3D anatomy atlas. View, isolate, and learn human anatomy structures with Zygote Body.

  7. These muscles help to make up the musculoskeletal (say: mus-kyuh-low-SKEL-uh-tul) system — the combination of your muscles and your skeleton, or bones. Together, the skeletal muscles work with your bones to give your body power and strength. In most cases, a skeletal muscle is attached to one end of a bone.

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