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  1. Hace 19 horas · The Muny, or the Municipal Opera Association of St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States, is a not-for-profit municipally-owned outdoor theatre, the largest in the United States.The Theater was built and opened in 1917 with 6 performances of Verdi's Aida.It operates solely in the summer, and its first official season ran from June to August 1919.

  2. Hace 19 horas · Izbor za domačo in tujo popevko tedna na Valu 202 poteka ob petkih. Poslušalci izbirajo med 3 domačimi in 3 tujimi predlogi, za katere glasujejo v spletni anketi in po telefonu, pri čemer ima večjo težo telefonsko glasovanje (zmagovalec spletnega glasovanja prejme 5 točk, drugouvrščeni 3, tretjeuvrščeni pa 1 točko, medtem ko pri ...