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  1. Monica Bellucci began her career in front of the camera at age 16, first as a model and later as an actress. After making her film debut in the 1991 Italian comedy La Riffa, playing a beautiful but destitute widow, she became cinema's go-to Fellini-esque femme fatale.Over the years, however, she has proven her mettle in everything from arthouse indies to franchise blockbusters — just not ...

  2. Spokojnosť so samým sebou nie je o tom ako vyzeráte, ale ako sa cítite." - Monica Bellucci Monica Bellucci sa narodila 30. septembra 1964 v malej talianskej dedinke Cita di Castello, kde jej otec vlastnil prepravnú spoločnosť. Keď mala osemnásť, zapísala sa na štúdium práva v University of Perugia. Aby sa dokázala uživiť a ...

  3. 28 de oct. de 2022 · October 28, 2022. Photo: Getty Images. From the cheekbones to the smoldering gaze, and of course that dark, glossy mane, Monica Bellucci knows her way around an effortless beauty look. Having ...

  4. Monica Bellucci, (født 30. september 1964), er en italiensk skuespillerinde og tidligere model. Bellucci blev født i Città di Castello, Umbria. Oprindelig begyndte hun at uddanne sig til jurist, og startede med modelarbejde for at betale for sine studier på "Perugia universitet", men denne nye glamourøse livsstil lokkede Bellucci væk fra ...

  5. Descubre todas las películas y series de la filmografía de Monica Bellucci. De sus inicios hasta el final de sus 26 años de carrera.

  6. Biografie. Bellucci s-a născut în Città di Castello, Umbria, Italia, fiica Mariei Gustinelli, pictoriță, și a lui Luigi Bellucci, care deținea o companie de transporturi. Bellucci a început modelingul la 16 ani, când participa la Liceo classico.Inițial, urmărea o carieră de avocat, Bellucci practicând modelingul pentru a-și plăti cheltuielile de școlarizare la Universitatea din ...

  7. Bellucci at the 2009 Women's World Award. Monica Bellucci is an Italian actor whose international filmography primarily encompasses films and television programs in her native Italy, the United States, and France. She made her Italian debut in the television miniseries Vita coi figli in 1991 and in the film La Riffa the same year. Her first credited named role in the United States was as one ...

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