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  1. › wiki › Mina_CrandonMina Crandon - Wikipedia

    Mina "Margery" Crandon (1888–November 1, 1941) was an American psychic medium who said that she channeled her dead brother, Walter Stinson. Investigators who studied Crandon concluded that she had no such paranormal ability, and others detected her in outright deception.

  2. Margery, also known as Mina Crandon, was an American séance medium who was frequently investigated in the 1920s. She was known for the 'direct voice' of a male individual that she claimed was her deceased brother Walter, and for other psychokinetic phenomena such as levitations and raps. She sat for many researchers, including William McDougall, Scientific American, and the SPR.

  3. 12 de jun. de 2006 · A biography of Mina Crandon, a popular spiritualist medium who hosted séances with celebrities and celebrities, such as Harry Houdini. Learn how she and Houdini met, their confrontation, and the controversy that ensued.

  4. 21 de mar. de 2016 · Mina Crandon “Margery” y sus sesiones de psicokinesis – exprimehistorias. exprimehistorias en Biografía, Historia, Mujeres en la historia 21 marzo, 2016 1,791 palabras. Mina Stinson nació en Ontario, Canadá en 1888 y se trasladó a Boston cuando tenía 16 años.

  5. Her name was Mina Crandon. Followers called her “Margery”; detractors knew her as the Blonde Witch of Lime Street. And she was renowned for conjuring the voice of her dead brother, Walter,...

  6. 14 de feb. de 2024 · Pero en lo que respecta al puro drama humano, se puede argumentar con solidez que todas fueron superadas por la durísima batalla personal e intelectual entre Harry Houdini, el gran desmitificador de médiums autoproclamados, y Mina Crandon, la médium más exitosa del siglo XX.

  7. 24 de nov. de 2015 · But for sheer human drama, there is a strong argument that all of these were topped by the pitched battle, both personal and intellectual, between Harry Houdini, the great debunker of self-proclaimed psychics, and Mina Crandon, the most successful psychic of the twentieth century.