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  1. Mike Leigh OBE (Brocket Hall, 20 de febrero de 1943) es un director de cine y teatro británico. Biografía. Primeros años. Leigh nació en el seno de una familia judía inmigrante. De hecho, su apellido original era Lieberman pero se cambió antes del nacimiento de Leigh.

  2. › wiki › Mike_LeighMike Leigh - Wikipedia

    Mike Leigh OBE FRSL (born 20 February 1943) is an English writer-director with a career spanning film, theatre and television.

  3. › name › nm0005139Mike Leigh - IMDb

    Mike Leigh is an acclaimed English film and theatre director, screenwriter and playwright. He is known for his realistic and improvised films, such as Naked, Secrets & Lies, Vera Drake and Mr. Turner, and his distinctive aesthetic and style.

  4. 2 de ago. de 2024 · Mike Leigh, British writer and director of film and theater, known for his finely honed depictions of quotidian lives and for his improvisational rehearsal style. His notable movies include Naked, Secrets and Lies, Topsy-Turvy, and Vera Drake. Learn more about Leigh’s life and career.

  5. El escritor y director Mike Leigh nació en 1943 en Salford. Estudió en la Real Academia de Arte Dramático de Camberwell, en la Escuela Central de Arte y en la Escuela de Cine de Londres....

  6. 15 de oct. de 2021 · We celebrate the career of multi-award winning writer-director Mike Leigh, one of Britain’s most critically acclaimed filmmakers.

  7. Mike Leigh es un director y guionista nacido en el año 1943 en Reino Unido conocido por Secretos y mentiras, El secreto de Vera Drake, Another Year, Mr. Turner, Happy: Un cuento sobre la felicidad, Indefenso (Naked), Todo o nada, La vida es dulce, Dos chicas de hoy y La tragedia de Peterloo.