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  1. Hace 18 minutos · Hace más de una década, Clooney actuó junto a Martin Sheen y Brad Pitt en la obra '8', de Dustin Lance Black, en Los Ángeles, sobre la lucha por el matrimonio gay en EE.UU..

  2. Hace 4 minutos · Narrated by Emmy Award-winning actor and activist Martin Sheen, and featuring exclusive new interviews with the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, the series follows investigators as they re-open the case that captivated the world, exposing the facts that were overlooked by authorities and questioning and dissecting each pivotal move in the original investigation.

  3. Hace 1 día · Coppola’s films have often had chaotic and dramatic productions, whether it was Martin Sheen having a heart attack on the set of Apocalypse Now, the sudden departure of Winona Ryder from The Godfather Part III — to be replaced by Coppola’s daughter Sofia — or the near-risible absurdity that happened on the set of his 1984 musical drama The Cotton Club, in which life imitated art and ...

  4. Hace 4 minutos · Een tyfoon verwoest de set, hoofdrolspeler Martin Sheen draait door én krijgt een hartaanval, en het divagedrag van acteur Marlon Brando drijft zijn regisseur tot waanzin. Coppola dreigt meermalen met zelfmoord omdat hij vreest dat zijn film een pretentieuze flop wordt. En dat is nog maar het topje van de ijsberg.

  5. Hace 1 día · Por primeira vez na historia, Santiago recibiu o seu peregrino número 100.000 na primeira metade do ano.O seu nome é Milagros del Rosario Mini Bailey, unha muller de 60 anos de orixe peruana cuxa residencia se atopa en Florida.. O presidente da Xunta, Alfonso Rueda; a alcaldesa de Santiago, Goretti Sanmartín, e o deán da Catedral, José Fernández Lago, formaron parte da comitiva oficial ...

  6. Hace 1 día · He’s only read the first three and he’s very excited to find out what happens next,” Gaiman told TV Insider in April 2024. “It’s going to be fun. Some people that you love will be coming ...

  7. Hace 1 día · Ambientata nella Casa Bianca durante l’amministrazione di Josiah Bartlet, interpretato da Martin Sheen, la serie TV segue lo staff della Casa Bianca mentre affronta sfide politiche, crisi ...

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