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  1. Biografía, filmografía y premios de la actriz británica Maggie Smith, conocida por sus papeles en Los mejores años de Miss Brodie, Harry Potter y Downton Abbey. Descubre su trayectoria teatral, cinematográfica y televisiva desde 1952 hasta la actualidad.

  2. › wiki › Maggie_SmithMaggie Smith - Wikipedia

    Dame Margaret Natalie Smith[2][3] CH DBE (born 28 December 1934) is a British actress. Known for her wit in comedic roles, she has had an extensive career on stage and screen over seven decades and is one of Britain's most recognisable and prolific actresses. [4] .

  3. › name › nm0001749Maggie Smith - IMDb

    IMDb profile of Dame Maggie Smith, one of the world's most famous and distinguished actresses. See her career highlights, photos, videos, credits, and personal details.

  4. Conoce la vida y la obra de Maggie Smith, una de las actrices británicas más reconocidas. Descubre sus películas más famosas, como Harry Potter, Downton Abbey y Los mejores años de Miss Brodie, y sus galardones, como el Oscar y el Globo de Oro.

  5. Learn about the life and career of Dame Maggie Smith, one of the world's most famous and distinguished actresses. She has won an Oscar, an Emmy, a Tony and starred in Harry Potter and Downton Abbey.

  6. Maggie Smith (born December 28, 1934, Ilford, Essex, England) is an English stage and motion-picture actress noted for her poignancy and wit in comic roles. Smith studied acting at the Oxford Playhouse School and began appearing in revues in Oxford in 1952 and London in 1955.

  7. Dame Margaret Natalie Smith (Ilford, Inglaterra; 28 de diciembre de 1934), conocida artísticamente como Maggie Smith, es una consagrada actriz británica de teatro, cine y televisión.

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