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  1. 玛吉·史密斯,1934年12月28日出生于英国英格兰艾塞克斯郡依尔福,毕业于牛津中学,英国女演员。1956年,她在银幕上首次短暂露面,出演影片《屋里的孩子》。1965年,史密斯与劳伦斯·奥利弗一起把莎士比亚名剧《奥赛罗》搬上了银幕,饰演德蒙娜,使她首次获得了1966年第38届奥斯卡奖最佳女配角 ...

  2. 26 de oct. de 2023 · Dame Maggie Smith, the British actress acclaimed for her appearances both on stage and in cinema, has taken on a new role — and this time it’s in the world of luxury fashion. Loewe has cast ...

  3. Dama Margaret Nathalia Smith (28. prosinca 1934.), poznatija kao Dame Maggie Smith je velika i kultna engleska filmska, kazališna i televizijska glumica.Rodila se u mjestu Ilford, grofovija Essex, Engleska.Njena majka Margaret Hutton (djev.Little; 1896. – 1977.) je bila Škotlanđanka, a otac Nathaniel Smith (1902. – 1991.) iz Newcastle upon Tynea, po zanimanju patolog javnog zdravstva ...

  4. Maggie Smith es una actriz de cine, teatro y televisión británica. Las siguiente lista recoge todas las obras de teatro, películas y series en donde participó. Entre ellas Otelo (1965), Los mejores años de Miss Brodie (1969), California Suite (1978), Furia de titanes (1981), Una habitación con vistas (1986), Gosford Park (2001), Hook ...

  5. Maggie Smith is the author of Goldenrod (Simon & Schuster, 2021), Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change (Simon & Schuster, 2020), Good Bones (Tupelo Press, 2017), The Well Speaks of Its Own Poison (Tupelo Press, 2015), Lamp of the Body (Red Hen Press, 2005), and three prizewinning chapbooks. Smith’s poems and essays have appeared in Best American Poetry, the New York Times, The ...

  6. Dame Maggie Smith is an English actress who has worked in theatre, television, and film. Smith made her professional theatre debut in 1956 playing Viola in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night at the Oxford Playhouse.She made her Broadway debut in musical revue New Faces of 1956 (1956). Smith excelled in both comedy and drama performing in various works of Shakespeare, Anton Chekov, Noël ...

  7. I’m a poet, writer, editor, and teacher. I’ve published several books of poetry and prose, including Good Bones (you might know the title poem) and two recent bestsellers, Keep Moving and Goldenrod . My memoir, You Could Make This Place Beautiful, is a New York Times bestseller. My poems and essays have appeared in the New York Times , The ...

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