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  1. Macbeth. Play Logo: Social Share Image: Read moreabout Act 1, Scene 7 - Video Note: Trumpets, Cherumbim, Vaulting. Read moreabout Act 1, Scene 7 - Video Note: Macbeth's Soliloquy. Read moreabout Act 1, Scene 5 - Video Note: Lady Macbeth's Language.

  2. › wiki › MacbethMacbeth – Wikipedia

    Macbeth on William Shakespearen kirjoittama näytelmä. Se perustuu Skotlannin todellisen kuninkaan Macbethin vaiheisiin, mutta ei ole historiallisesti tarkka. Macbeth on Shakespearen säilyneistä tragedioista lyhin. Vaikka tätä ei suoraan sanota näytelmässä, Banquosta periytyvän suvun katsotaan olevan Skotlannin, ja myöhemmin myös Englannin, Stuart-hallitsijasuku.

  3. Full Play Analysis. Macbeth is a tragedy that tells the story of a soldier whose overriding ambition and thirst for power cause him to abandon his morals and bring about the near destruction of the kingdom he seeks to rule. At first, the conflict is between Macbeth and himself, as he debates whether or not he will violently seize power, and ...

  4. 左上:遇见女巫;左中:谋杀之后;左下:班柯鬼魂;右上:馬克白;右下:最后的决斗. 《 馬克白 》(英語: Macbeth )是 莎士比亞 最短的 悲劇 ,也是他最受歡迎的作品之一。. 常被認為是他悲劇中最為陰暗、最富震撼力的作品。. 故事的地点设在蘇格蘭,并 ...

  5. Macbeth. (toneelstuk) Macbeth is de kortste tragedie van de Engelse toneelschrijver en dichter William Shakespeare. Het tussen 1603 en 1607 geschreven werk is deels gebaseerd op de waargebeurde geschiedenis van de Schotse koning Macbeth van Schotland (1005 - 1057), die op de troon kwam door in 1040 bij Elgin in Schotland koning Duncan I te doden.

  6. 31 de jul. de 2015 · Macbeth arrives, and Lady Macbeth tells him that she will take charge of the preparations for Duncan’s visit and for his murder. Act 1, scene 6 Duncan and his attendants arrive at Inverness. Lady Macbeth welcomes them. Act 1, scene 7 Macbeth contemplates the reasons why it is a terrible thing to kill Duncan.

  7. To-morrow, as he purposes. Lady Macbeth. O, never 415 Shall sun that morrow see! Your face, my thane, is as a book where men May read strange matters. To beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, 420 But be the serpent under't.

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