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  1. Luc Paul Maurice Besson (París, 18 de marzo de 1959), conocido como Luc Besson, es un director de cine, guionista, escritor y productor francés. Entre sus obras se destacan El gran azul, Nikita, Léon, El quinto elemento, Juana de Arco, Arthur y los Minimoys, The Transporter, Lucy y Valerian y la ciudad de los mil planetas.

  2. › wiki › Luc_BessonLuc Besson - Wikipedia

    Luc Paul Maurice Besson (French: [lyk bɛsɔ̃]; born 18 March 1959) is a French filmmaker. He directed or produced the films Subway (1985), The Big Blue (1988), and La Femme Nikita (1990).

  3. › name › nm0000108Luc Besson - IMDb

    Luc Besson. Writer: The Fifth Element. Luc Besson spent the first years of his life following his parents, scuba diving instructors, around the world. His early life was entirely aquatic. He already showed amazing creativity as a youth, writing early drafts of The Big Blue (1988) and The Fifth Element (1997), as an adolescent bored in school.

  4. Luc Besson is a French film director, writer and producer. He has contributed to many projects as either writer, director, producer, or a combination of the three.

  5. Luc Besson est un réalisateur, producteur et scénariste français, né le 18 mars 1959 dans le 15 e arrondissement de Paris, auteur d'une vingtaine de long-métrages, dont huit figurent au palmarès des 100 plus grands succès de films français dans le monde.

  6. Luc Besson. (18/03/1959 - ) Director de cine francés. Uno de los directores más reconocidos de Francia. Películas: El quinto elemento, Léon... Premios: César, BAFTA... Cónyuges: Anne Parillaud, Maïwenn Le Besco, Milla Jovovich, Virginie Silla. Hijos: Juliette, Shanna, Thalia, Sateen, Mao. Nombre: Luc Paul Maurice Besson. Altura: 1,73 m.

  7. Luc Besson is a French film director, writer, and producer known for making highly visual thriller and action films. Besson has been nominated for, and won, numerous awards and honors from the foreign press, and is often credited as inventing the so-called "Cinema du look" movement in French film.

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