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  1. Love definition: a strong feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, such as for a parent, child, friend, or pet. See examples of LOVE used in a sentence.

  2. 22 de oct. de 2024 · Love, an emotion characterized by strong feelings of affection for another arising out of kinship, companionship, admiration, or benevolence. In a related sense, “love” designates a benevolent concern for the good or welfare of others. The term is also used to refer to sexual attraction or erotic

  3. 8 de abr. de 2005 · In what follows, theories of love are tentatively and hesitantly classified into four types: love as union, love as robust concern, love as valuing, and love as an emotion. It should be clear, however, that particular theories classified under one type sometimes also include, without contradiction, ideas central to other types.

  4. loveholidays acts as an agent in respect of all bookings made on our website or by telephone. For all bookings, your contract will be with the applicable Service Provider of your chosen Travel Service (who may be the principal or the agent of the principal) and loveholidays acts only as an agent on their behalf, except where we state to the contrary in the terms and conditions.

  5. 指原莉乃プロデュース・代々木アニメーション学院とタッグを組み結成された「=love(イコールラブ)」オフィシャル ...

  6. Get in touch with us on twitter @obey_love. Open Source. LÖVE is licensed under the liberal zlib/libpng license. This means that: It costs nothing. You can use it freely for commercial purposes with no limitations. The source can be found on GitHub. Examples. It’s pretty easy to get started with LÖVE, just check out these code snippets ...

  7. › wiki › =LOVE=LOVE - Wikipedia

    =love(イコールラブ)は、日本の10人組女性アイドルグループ(声優ユニット)。 指原莉乃のプロデュースにより、2017年 4月29日に誕生した。 所属事務所は代々木アニメーション学院。 所属レーベルはsacra music(ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント)。

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