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  1. Lisa Tuttle was born and raised in Austin, Texas, and moved to Britain in the 1980s. Her first novel, Windhaven, co-written with George R.R. Martin, was followed by a dozen fantasy, science fiction, and horror adult and YA novels, and hundreds of award-winning short stories collected in several volumes, including A Nest of Nightmares and The Dead Hours of the Night.

  2. Lisa Tuttle. Lisa Tuttle began publishing fantasy, horror and science fiction stories in the 1970s. Her first novel was WINDHAVEN, written in collaboration with George R. R. Martin. She was one of the founders of the original Turkey City writers' group (aka the Turkey City Neo-Pro Rodeo) along with Tom Reamy, Steven Utley, and Howard Waldrop.

  3. 28 de oct. de 2018 · El nombre de Lisa Tuttle (Houston, 1952) empezó a ser conocido a finales de los 60 por su implicación en el movimiento norteamericano Fandom (término que nació para designar a gente apasionada por un determinado tema) y por fundar su propio taller de escritura en Texas. En 1974, obtuvo el premio John W. Campbell a la mejor autora novel por su libro Spider Robinson y en 1980 decidió ...

  4. Lisa Tuttle, Laura Martín de Dios (Translator) Clare Beckett es una mujer madura acosada por las consecuencias de una negligencia juvenil, y sueña febrilmente con escapar a un mundo en el que las cosas hubieran sido diferentes. Pero sus sueños son tan vívidos que llega a experimentar otras vidas, futuros perdidos que ponen en entredicho su ...

  5. 3 de nov. de 1994 · Lisa Tuttle nous balade entre psychologie, science fiction et société pour finalement nous perdre dans les méandres exitentiels et identitaires de son personnage principal. C'est pourtant très bien écrit, comme toujours, et l'on sent bien que les thèmes principaux abordés ici sont la perte d'identité et sans doute même le deuil.

  6. 28 de jun. de 2023 · I’ve always loved Lisa Tuttle’s storytelling. Her writing is so easy to read and I’m able to slide right into the stories. I’m immersed in the characters, the plot, and the world. The Dead Hours of Night is no exception. Every story was full of building horror and dread. I especially loved the intros by Tuttle at the beginning of every ...

  7. 1992. "Replacements" is a short story by American writer Lisa Tuttle. It concerns a husband's surfacing insecurities as his wife's independence strengthens when she claims a bloodsucking pet for her very own. Tuttle declared in an interview with M. M. Hall from Fantastic Metropolis: "My first post-natal story to deal with in any way with ...