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  1. Liliana Cavani (Carpi, Emília-Romanya, Itàlia, 12 de gener de 1933) és una directora de cinema italiana. Biografia. Va néixer el 12 de gener de 1936 a Carpi, província de Mòdena, a la regió d'Emília-Romanya. La mare de Liliana provenia d'una família de classe treballadora d'antifeixistes militants. El seu avi ...

  2. Liliana Cavani (* 12. Januar 1933 in Carpi, Provinz Modena) ist eine italienische Filmregisseurin und Drehbuchautorin. International bekannt wurde sie durch den kontroversen Film Der Nachtportier. Leben. Cavani studierte nach dem Besuch des Gymnasiums klassische Literatur und ...

  3. Abstract. In the following interview, which was conducted during the COVID-19 shut-down in December 2020, Liliana Cavani reflects on her cinema and its underlying aesthetics, on current issues such as diversity and gender equality. She reminisces on her formative years and the impact of her anti-fascist grandparents as well as of those open ...

  4. Liliana Cavani was born in Carpi, in the province of Modena. Her father was an architect from Mantua, and her mother was a keen cinemagoer, who would take her daughter to the cinema every Sunday. She graduated in Ancient Literature from the University of Bologna in 1959. While a student, together with a number of friends in Carpi she founded a ...

  5. Liliana Cavani, pionera del cine europeo con sus 90 años, ha estrenado en el Festival de Venecia su última película y, de paso, recordó sus inicios como documentalista tras la II Guerra Mundial, arremetiendo contra quienes aún niegan el Holocausto: “El negacionismo es absurdo”, denunció. EFE.

  6. The director Liliana Cavani and the actor Tony Leung Chiu-wai will each receive the Golden Lions for Lifetime Achievement at the 80 th International Film Festival of the Biennale di Venezia (August 30 – September 9, 2023). The decision was made by the Board of Directors of La Biennale, upon recommendation of the Director of the Festival, Alberto Barbera. ...

  7. Dokumentarista kezdetek. Liliana Cavani irodalom szakon végezte el a Bolognai Egyetemet, továbbá rendezői diplomát szerzett a római Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografián. Először a RAI televízió számára kezdett dolgozni: első munkáit még főiskolásként készítette. Provokatív témaválasztásainak köszönhetően hamar ...

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Liliana Cavani

    Liliana Cavani ravello