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  1. 4 de nov. de 2022 · Hear an extended interview with American composer, conductor, pianist, music educator, and author, Leonard Bernstein as he reflects on his career.Explore the...

  2. 20 de dic. de 2023 · Bernstein was the son of Jewish parents who immigrated to the US from Rivne, a city now located in western Ukraine. He was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and originally named Louis Bernstein, at the insistence of his grandparents. However, his parents called him Leonard, and shortly after the young musician’s 18th birthday, he legally ...

  3. 4 de mar. de 2024 · Todas las noticias sobre Leonard Bernstein publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Leonard Bernstein.

  4. 14 de oct. de 1990 · Leonard Bernstein’s career was one of many firsts. Following his now-legendary debut with the Orchestra in 1943, as the last-minute replacement for an ailing Bruno Walter on a live radio broadcast, Bernstein guest conducted for the Orchestra regularly until his appointment as the Philharmonic’s first American-born-and-trained Music Director in 1958.

  5. Au cours de ses études, Leonard Bernstein rencontre Dimitri Mitropoulos chef d’orchestre, pianiste et compositeur d’origine grecque, 1896-1960 et Aaron Copland compositeur américain, 1900-1990.Le premier éveille en lui l’envie de se consacrer à la direction d’orchestre, le second suscite une attirance pour la composition et la promotion de la musique américaine.

  6. Leonard Bernstein. (Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1918 - Nueva York, 1990) Director de orquesta, pianista y compositor estadounidense. Nacido en el seno de una familia de judíos rusos emigrados, fue el primer director de orquesta de Estados Unidos que alcanzó renombre universal. Músico polifacético, sus dotes y su innegable talento no sólo le ...

  7. 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein,1918年8月25日~1990年10月14日),生于美国马萨诸塞州的劳伦斯,美国指挥家、作曲家。1935年入哈佛大学,师从W.俾斯顿、EB.希尔学习作曲,1939年毕业。后入费城柯蒂斯音乐学院学习指挥。1941年任波士顿交响乐团助理指挥。师从布鲁诺·瓦尔特。

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