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    relacionado con: Laura Dern
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  1. Laura Elizabeth Dern (Los Ángeles; 10 de febrero de 1967), conocida como Laura Dern, es una actriz y productora estadounidense. Ha recibido numerosos galardones, incluido un Premio Óscar, un Premios Primetime Emmy, un Premio BAFTA y cinco Globos de Oro.

  2. › wiki › Laura_DernLaura Dern - Wikipedia

    Laura Dern is an American actress and producer who has won numerous awards, including an Oscar and five Golden Globes. She is known for her roles in films such as Mask, Blue Velvet, Wild, Jurassic Park, and Marriage Story, and TV shows such as Enlightened and Big Little Lies.

  3. › name › nm0000368Laura Dern - IMDb

    IMDb provides an extensive overview of Laura Dern's life and career, from her childhood as the daughter of actors to her Oscar-winning roles and recent projects. Browse her photos, videos, credits, trivia, and more on the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content.

  4. Learn about the life and career of Laura Dern, an Oscar-nominated actress who starred in films such as Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Rambling Rose and Jurassic Park. Find out her family background, personal relationships, trademarks and trivia.

  5. 15 de jun. de 2020 · Laura Dern o la crónica de una victoria anunciada. Con la creación del término ‘ Dernaissance ’, la industria ha intentado hacer justicia con una de las mejores actrices de Hollywood. Pero se...

  6. 8 de jun. de 2022 · Dern talks to TIME about revisiting the character of Ellie Sattler in the new film ‘Jurassic World: Dominion.”

  7. 20 de nov. de 2019 · Tras arrasar con 'Big Little Lies', la actriz fetiche de David Lynch estrena dos de las películas más esperadas del año: 'Historia de un matrimonio' y 'Mujercitas'. Hemos hablado con ella. Por ...

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