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  1. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (/ ˈ s t ɪ ɡ l ɪ t s /; born February 9, 1943) is an American New Keynesian economist, [2] a public policy analyst, political activist, and a professor at Columbia University. He is a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) [3] and the John Bates Clark Medal (1979). [4]

  2. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (Gary, Indiana; 9 de febrero de 1943) es un economista y profesor estadounidense. Recibió la Medalla John Bates Clark (1979) y fue laureado con el Premio del Banco de Suecia en Ciencias Económicas en memoria de Alfred Nobel (2001).

  3. University Professor, teaching at the Columbia Business School, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Economics, and the School of International and Public Affairs. Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) Founder and Co-President. The Roosevelt Institute. Chief Economist.

  4. Joseph Stiglitz. Professor Stiglitz accepted a joint appointment to a chaired professorship at Columbia Business School, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (in the Department of Economics) and the School of International and Public Affairs in the spring of 2001. He was the first Joel M. Stern Faculty Scholar at Columbia Business School ...

  5. Credit rationing in markets with imperfect information. JE Stiglitz, A Weiss. The American economic review 71 (3), 393-410. , 1981. 25239. 1981. Globalization and its discontents revisited:...

  6. It was the hey-day of MIT with first-rate professors (I had at least four Nobel Prize winners as professor: Samuelson (Nobel Laureate in 1970), Solow (Nobel Laureate in 1987), Modigliani (Nobel Laureate in 1985), and Arrow (Nobel Laureate in 1972)) teaching first-rate students.

  7. 29 de abr. de 2024 · Stiglitz, chair of Bill Clintons council of economic advisers, then chief economist at the World Bank during the 1990s, found fame with his 2002 bestselling attack on the IMF,...

  8. Joseph E. Stiglitz is an American economist and a professor at Columbia University. He is also the co-chair of the High-Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress at the OECD, and the Chief Economist of the Roosevelt Institute.

  9. Guidance on Reimbursements for Research-Related Travel COVID-19. A Special Symposium in Memory of Kenneth J. Arrow & The 10th Annual Arrow Lecture. Q & A with Sun Kyoung Lee, Recipient of the $1M National Science Foundation (NSF) Economics Grant.

  10. Joseph E. Stiglitz is an American economist and a University professor at Columbia University. He is also the co-chair of the High-Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress at the OECD, and the Chief Economist of the Roosevelt Institute.

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