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  1. 1 de abr. de 2024 · 约翰·韦恩·盖西(英语: John Wayne Gacy ,1942年3月17日—1994年5月10日)是一名美国 连环杀手和强奸犯。 他在1972年和1978年之间,至少性侵和谋杀了33名年龄由14岁至21岁的男孩及年轻男性。 盖西先后将29名受害者埋在他家的供电管道空间,3名埋在他房产的其他地方,并将最后4名已知的受害者的遗体 ...

  2. 2 de oct. de 2020 · John Wayne Gacy, un respetado miembro de su comunidad en la que se disfrazaba de ‘Pogo, el payaso’ para entretener a los niños, violó y mató a adolescentes a los que previamente convencía ...

  3. John Wayne Gacy murder victim named 45 years after vanishing. A man from North Carolina who vanished in the 1970s has been identified as one of dozens of victims murdered by serial killer John ...

  4. 19 de may. de 2022 · John Wayne Gacy was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois, and had been physically abused and bullied by his alcoholic father and sexually molested by a family friend of his parents. Gacy had even suffered from a congenital heart condition at 11 years old that saw him grow up overweight.

  5. 17 de feb. de 2021 · John Wayne Gacy: Devil In Disguise streaming March 25th out the official trailer for John Wayne Gacy: Devil In Disguise, a docuse...

  6. 16 de dic. de 2018 · John Wayne Gacy’s confession to the rape and murder of more than 30 people didn’t just awaken America to a nightmare hidden in its own backyard. The discovery 40 years ago of the dank, muddy mass grave underneath Gacy's yellow brick ranch house at 8213 W. Summerdale Ave. forever shattered the image of the safe suburban community.

  7. 27 de oct. de 2022 · John Wayne Gacy, conocido como el 'Payaso asesino', secuestró, violó y asesinó a un total de 33 adolescentes que luego enterró en el sótano de su casa en los años 1977 y 1978.

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