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  1. Biografía de Jennifer Connelly 12 de Diciembre de 1970, y su filmografía, todas sus películas: Érase una vez en América, Top Gun: Maverick, Alita: Ángel de Combate, Juegos secretos, Diamante de sangre

  2. Jennifer Lynn Connelly, nascuda el 12 de desembre de 1970, és una actriu estatunidenca i antiga model infantil, guanyadora d'un Oscar a la millor actriu secundària. Malgrat haver-se dedicat al cinema des de la seva adolescència i haver estat llençada a la fama arran dels seus papers en pel·lícules com ara Labyrinth i Career Opportunities, ...

  3. Jennifer is the embodiment of a strong and brave woman who chose to have her family close to her rather than continuously seeking fame. Born on December 12, 1970, Jennifer Connelly or commonly referred to as Jenny C grew up in Catskill Mountains in NY. She grew to be 5’6 tall and starred in more than 30 movies from 1985 to present.

  4. Jennifer Lynn Connelly, ameriška filmska in televizijska igralka ter fotomodel, * 12. december 1970, Round Top, New York, Združene države Amerike. Jennifer Connelly je s svojo kariero pričela že v otroštvu, in sicer kot fotomodel, ko je na pobudo prijatelja njenih staršev odšla na neko avdicijo.

  5. 24 de may. de 2022 · In part two of her interview with Stephen, "Top Gun: Maverick" star Jennifer Connelly shares a clip from the film in which she and Tom Cruise pilot a sailboa...

  6. 31 de ene. de 2023 · Jennifer Connelly was born in 1970 and was raised in Brooklyn Heights, New York. Though she would later go on to win fans and accolades as an actor, Connelly's first foray into performing was ...

  7. We interview Jennifer Connelly about Snowpiercer season 3.https://screenrant.com

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