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  1. Hace 6 horas · 1966年に全米公開されたサーフムービーの金字塔的ドキュメンタリー「エンドレス・サマー」が、7月12日(金)より新宿ピカデリー他にて全国公開。“サーフトリップ”という言葉を生んだ、終わらない夏と完璧な波を求めた旅の物語が、4kデジタルリマスター版として蘇る。

  2. Hace 6 horas · Nuestra Señora de Atocha. On 16 July 2021, Mel Fisher’s Treasures made one of their most lucrative discoveries in two decades. Diver Zach Moore was exploring the Atocha site when he unearthed ...

  3. Hace 1 día · Hello community; As an audio student and intern for some years,I'm finally able to record my own stuff.The thing is though I can't afford good outboard gear at this point.IME nothing can really beat nonlinearity of analog gear but I've been fooling around with 3rd party nebula libraries such as AITB ApeQ,Tim Petherick compressor and the Cupwise tapes,they sound really close.But almost every ...

  4. Hace 1 día · Nguồn: MIIX Capital. Giới thiệu: Mức độ biến động ngụ ý của các quyền chọn bán hết tiền ngắn hạn BTC vẫn cao hơn so với quyền chọn mua, cho thấy rằng thị trường Những lo ngại về đợt điều chỉnh giá gần đây vẫn chưa được loại bỏ, nhưng Sự biến động ngụ ý của các quyền chọn dài hạn vẫn ổn ...

  5. Hace 21 minutos · Wrapping Up. Reeves deadlifts are a great alternative to regular deadlifts. Besides strengthening the posterior chain muscles, including your hamstrings, back, glutes, traps, and calves, they can boost your upper body strength and forearm endurance. I would advise doing Reeves deadlifts at least once in two weeks.

  6. Hace 6 horas · "Summer" — Charles Courtney Curran Introduction: The implied volatility of short-term out-of-the-money BTC put options remains higher than that of ca | Bitget crypto news!

  7. Hace 6 horas · It’s a slow-news day today in terms of any one big story, so I don’t have much to comment on, other than a few news tidbits of interest: Fed Governor Waller adds to the weight of statements by other Fedheads who have spoken since the FOMC meeting, saying he will need “several months” of improved inflation data before he would even consider a rate cut.