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  1. Jane Eyre The protagonist and narrator of the novel, Jane is an intelligent, honest, plain-featured young girl forced to contend with oppression, inequality, and hardship. Although she meets with a series of individuals who threaten her autonomy, Jane repeatedly succeeds at asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice, human dignity, and morality.

  2. 24 de ago. de 2021 · Here’s a seemingly uncontroversial statement: in 1847, a novel called Jane Eyre was published; the author was Charlotte Brontë. One of the most famous things about Jane Eyre is that the male love interest, Mr Rochester, has locked his first wife, Bertha Mason, in the attic of his house. Whilst this statement is fine as far as it goes, there ...

  3. 5 de mar. de 2014 · Jane Eyre est une jeune orpheline recueillie par sa tante, qui la méprise, et par ses cousins, qui la martyrisent. Acquérant rapidement l'étiquette d'enfant rebelle, elle est envoyée, à son plus grand soulagement, en pensionnat. Si sa nouvelle vie n'est pas vraiment facile à Lowood, elle s'y fait rapidement une amie, Helen Burns, enfant douce et tuberculeuse résignée à son triste sort.

  4. Jane Eyre is an orphaned girl living with her aunt Mrs. Reed at Gateshead Hall. Mrs. Reed and her children treat Jane cruelly, and look down on her as a dependent. Punishing her for a fight with her cousin that she didn't start, Mrs. Reed locks her in a red room where Jane's uncle, Mr. Reed, had died years before.

  5. 1 de mar. de 1998 · Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by volunteers.

  6. Dziwne losy Jane Eyre. Smith, Elder, and CO. Dziwne losy Jane Eyre – powieść napisana przez Charlotte Brontë. Ukazała się po raz pierwszy w październiku 1847 roku w trzech tomach i okazała się wielkim wydawniczym sukcesem. Autorka wydała książkę pod pseudonimem Currer Bell; pod nazwiskiem Bell tworzyły również jej siostry.

  7. Joven inglesa, Jane Eyre es uno de los personajes creados por la autora británica Charlotte Brontë para protagonizar la novela titulada con su mismo nombre y que se publicó originalmente en 1847. Jane Eyre resultó criada por sus tíos al morir sus padres, siendo maltratada y enviada a un internado donde conoce a su amiga Helen, la cual muere de tuberculosis.

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