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  1. A Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë írónő 1847 -ben Londonban kiadott regénye, mely A lowoodi árva [1] címen is napvilágot látott. A regény, melyet szerzője Currer Bell álnéven jelentetett meg, rögtön hatalmas sikert aratott. Ma a világirodalom egyik legfontosabb regényeként tartják számon.

  2. 9 de sept. de 2021 · Jane Eyre is a 1943 American film adaptation of Charlotte Brontë's 1847 novel of the same name, released by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by Robert Steve...

  3. By Charlotte Brontë. ‘Jane Eyre’ represents the typical contemporary feminist woman who loves herself and searches for respect from others. Some of the well-thought-out themes she personifies anchor around self-love, romantic love, spirituality, independence, and social class. Article written by Victor Onuorah.

  4. Jane Eyre is an orphaned girl living with her aunt Mrs. Reed at Gateshead Hall. Mrs. Reed and her children treat Jane cruelly, and look down on her as a dependent. Punishing her for a fight with her cousin that she didn't start, Mrs. Reed locks her in a red room where Jane's uncle, Mr. Reed, had died years before.

  5. 24 de ago. de 2021 · Here’s a seemingly uncontroversial statement: in 1847, a novel called Jane Eyre was published; the author was Charlotte Brontë. One of the most famous things about Jane Eyre is that the male love interest, Mr Rochester, has locked his first wife, Bertha Mason, in the attic of his house. Whilst this statement is fine as far as it goes, there ...

  6. Jane Eyre er en roman fra 1847 af den engelske forfatter Charlotte Brontë.Af frygt for anmeldernes diskriminering udgav hun den først under det mandlige pseudonym Currer Bell.Den blev en succes og blev anset for at være "dristig" og udkom i flere oplag. Da rygterne om forfatterens identitet blev mere og mere fantasifulde, dristede Brontë sig til at stå frem.

  7. Jane Eyre er en roman fra 1847 av den engelske forfatteren Charlotte Brontë, først utgitt under pseudonymet Currer Bell. Romanen skildrer en foreldreløs kvinnes oppvekst og voksenliv. Jane får ansettelse som huslærer hos den bryske Edward Rochester , som hun forelsker seg i, men forlater da hun oppdager at han har sin tidligere kone, som er gal, innesperret på sin herregård.

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