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  1. › our-story| It's Complicated

    It's Complicated is a therapy platform that not only helps clients find their perfect therapist but also supports therapists in their craft of helping others. Featuring over 2,000 mental health professionals from 80+ countries, counseling is available in almost 100 languages, both online and in person.

  2. 14 de feb. de 2019 · 意思を伝える時のフレーズ. 今日のネイティブフレーズ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 【フレーズ】It's complicated.《イッツカンプリケイティッ(ドゥ)》 【意味】複雑なんだ/色々あるんだよ 【ニュアンス解説】complicated は 「複雑な」「込み入った ...

  3. It's Complicated is a therapy platform that not only helps clients find their perfect therapist but also supports therapists in their craft of helping others. Featuring over 1,500 mental health professionals from 80+ countries, counseling is available in almost 100 languages, both online and in-person.

  4. About. Two-time Academy Award winner Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin star in this hilarious look at marriage, divorce and everything in between. Jane (Streep) has three grown kids, a thriving Santa Barbara bakery and an amicable relationship with her ex-husband, Jake (Baldwin). Now, a decade after their divorce, an innocent dinner ...

  5. 14 de sept. de 2022 · 「ややこしい」を意味する英語と言えば、complicatedやcomplexが思いつきます。ところでこの2つの単語、どんな違いがあるかきちんと理解していますか?英和辞書で調べてみても、「複雑な、込み入った」という訳が出てくるため、具体的な違いがわかり辛いですよね。今回の記事ではcomplicatedと ...

  6. 1 de ene. de 2024 · It’s Complicated is the Expat Therapy Service Growing Fastest in European Metropolises. By It's Complicated January 22, 2024. Expatriate life can be complicated. Let’s be honest here: adjusting to new surroundings, difficulties communicating in a new language, and a lack of community…. by It's Complicated.

  7. Two-time Academy Award winner Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin star in this hilarious look at marriage, divorce and everything in between. Jane (Meryl Streep) has three grown kids, a thriving Santa Barbara bakery and an amicable relationship with her ex-husband, Jake (Alec Baldwin). Now, a decade after their divorce, an innocent dinner between Jane and Jake turns into the ...

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