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  1. 大学等合格. ・令和6年度大学等入学試験合格状況 4/5. ・令和6年度大学入試結果 速報 3/29. 祝!. 全国大会出場. ・令和5年度全国大会出場生徒の結果 3/27. 祝!. 20年連続100%合格 看護師国家試験. ・第54期生全員合格おめでとう!.

  2. 3 de ene. de 2008 · First Hiroshima Prefectural Girls’ High School (today, Minami High School) lost 223 first-year students alone in the bombing. Among them, 42 students in Class 6 of that grade level, who had commuted from the western part of the Hiroshima delta or beyond, became victims.

  3. Special class introducing the G7 Summit at Hiroshima Minami High School. On 26 April, Dr. Uemura Hiromi, four undergraduate students (Ms. Osedo Miyabi, Mr. Oku Rento, Ms. Sasaki Suzuka, Ms. Tamisato Miki Colene) from the Regional Culture Studies and a graduate student from the USA, Ms. Leanne Rosalind Russell, visited Hiroshima Minami High School.

  4. › img › 20220531_minami-schoolguideHIROSHIMA HIGH SCHOOL

    本校は明治34年に県下で初めての県立女学校として創設された広島高等女学校を母 体にしています。 全人教育を掲げ,一貫して「文武両道」を不動の校是としており, 「少々無理なことでも頑張り抜く」という精神で,その歴史と伝統を受け継いでいます。 本校の教育目標. 「チームMINAMI」を合言葉に三学科が互いに高め合い,高い志を持って社会で活躍 できる人材を育成します。 育てたい生徒像.

  5. 30 de ago. de 2008 · First Hiroshima Prefectural Girls’ High School was located in the heart of Hiroshima and the atomic bombing flattened all its buildings and burned them to ashes. However, a class diary, “Student Diary Record 1945,” managed to survive the devastation.

  6. Hiroshima Minami High School. education organization in Hiroshima, Japan. Statements. instance of. Japanese high school. 0 references. inception. 28 December 1901 Gregorian. 1 reference. imported from Wikimedia project. Japanese Wikipedia. name in kana.

  7. Open Access statistics for Hiroshima Minami High School, Japan, covering academic research published from 2000 to 2023. Read More.