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This hilarious and charming comedy tells the story of twenty-something Londoner, Carter (Charlie Cox, Stardust, Boardwalk Empire) who is facing the unholy ‘trinity of misery’: he’s homeless, unemployed and single. Desperate to get his life back on track, Carter starts by trying to find his elusive ex-girlfriend, Kelly (Annabelle Wallis, X-Men: First Class, Annabelle).
This hilarious and charming comedy tells the story of twenty-something Londoner, Carter (Charlie Cox, Stardust, Boardwalk Empire) who is facing the unholy ‘trinity of misery’: he’s homeless, unemployed and single. Desperate to get his life back on track, Carter starts by trying to find his elusive ex-girlfriend, Kelly (Annabelle Wallis, X-Men: First Class, Annabelle).
This hilarious and charming comedy tells the story of twenty-something Londoner, Carter (Charlie Cox, Stardust, Boardwalk Empire) who is facing the unholy ‘trinity of misery’: he’s homeless, unemployed and single. Desperate to get his life back on track, Carter starts by trying to find his elusive ex-girlfriend, Kelly (Annabelle Wallis, X-Men: First Class, Annabelle).
This hilarious and charming comedy tells the story of twenty-something Londoner, Carter (Charlie Cox, Stardust, Boardwalk Empire) who is facing the unholy ‘trinity of misery’: he’s homeless, unemployed and single. Desperate to get his life back on track, Carter starts by trying to find his elusive ex-girlfriend, Kelly (Annabelle Wallis, X-Men: First Class, Annabelle).
FILMACIÓN: Hello Carter, película completa en español, se filmó en video digital full-HD.Los discos Bluray 3D disponibles, así como los DVD del film cuentan con versiones en alta definición, junto con extras, escenas eliminadas en postproducción y comentarios de Anthony Wilcox (dirección).
Carter becomes homeless and starts an adventure through London to find his ex-girlfriend and win her back. Juegos. Apps. Películas. Libros. Niños. google_logo Play. Juegos. Apps. Películas. Libros. Niños. none. search. help_outline. Iniciar sesión con Google; play_apps Biblioteca y dispositivos; payment Pagos y suscripciones; reviews Mi ...
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