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  1. Located in the Qianhai Co-operation Zone, Harrow International School, Shenzhen Qianhai (Harrow Shenzhen) covers an area of 14,700 sqm, providing world class international curriculum. Harrow Shenzhen is designed to cater to a capacity of over 800 students with outstanding facilities for Early Years to the Sixth Form with boarding.

  2. 哈罗日本安比是一所全寄宿制学校,在校学生能充分感受源自英国哈罗公学的全寄宿学习体验。学校将面向 11 至 18 岁 (7 至 13 年级) 的学生招生,在这里,学生能够在优越的户外环境中成长,其学业成绩和体能发展皆出类拔萃。

  3. AISL Harrow Beijing was established in 2005. A vibrant community, the school has inherited the 450-year history of Harrow School in London, and together with Harrow International Schools in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Haikou and Appi, Japan, it forms the Harrow Overseas Member Alliance.

  4. 哈羅香港國際學校(英語: Harrow International School Hong Kong )位於香港 新界 屯門 掃管笏青盈路38號,於2012年正式啟校,校舍地理位置環境優越,毗鄰香港黃金海岸及掃管笏一帶之低密度住宅群,從而給予優越學習環境之餘該校亦有「首相搖籃」之稱。 該校為一間英式全日制及寄宿連讀制男女校,並 ...

  5. › es › kkcl-london-harrow-schoolHarrow School - KKCL Juniors

    Harrow School Boarding House - Número limitado de habitaciones individuales y compartidas para estudiantes más jóvenes (baños compartidos). Lo más destacado de la escuela Harrow Fundada en 1572 bajo una Carta Real otorgada por la Reina Isabel I y con más de 400 años de historia, la Escuela Harrow ha sido sinónimo de riqueza y privilegios durante siglos.

  6. La Harrow School è una scuola privata maschile situata ad Harrow, quartiere nel nord-ovest di Londra, capitale del Regno Unito.La scuola ha anche una sezione pubblica che è attiva come collegio scolastico.. La scuola è stata fondata attorno al 1243, ma la concezione e funzionalità attuale è stata formalmente istituita con una patente regia della regina Elisabetta nel 1572 in favore del ...

  7. Harrow School in the UK, is one of the world’s most respected private educational institutions. Founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I, it has a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence, the ‘House System’ and outstanding holistic education. Amongst the school’s alumni are some of the most influential ...

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