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  1. H. G. Wells (1866-1946) Biografía. Herbert George Wells, el Shakespeare de la ciencia-ficción según el decir de Brian Aldiss, era hijo de un tendero que aspiraba ingresar en la clase media. Nació el 21 de septiembre de 1866, en Bromley, Kent.

  2. H.G. Wells. Herbert George Wells (Bromley, Kent, 1866 – Londra 1946), pacifista e socialista, è considerato uno degli iniziatori della letteratura fantascientifica, anche se le sue opere spaziarono in molti generi, dalla narrativa alla saggistica storica e sociale, alla divulgazione didattica. Tra i suoi libri più noti La macchina del tempo ...

  3. Bromley, (1866-1946).H. G. Wells, filósofo, político y escritor, se preocupó a lo largo de toda su vida de la supervivencia de la sociedad contemporánea.Aunque creyó firmemente en la utopía, según la cual las vastas y terroríficas fuerzas materiales puestas a disposición de los seres humanos podrían ser controladas de un modo racional y utilizadas para el progreso y la igualdad, poco ...

  4. British writer H.G. Wells (1866–1946) was born into a lower-middle-class family in Kent, England. Although best known for science-fiction titles such as The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, it was his non-fiction writing to which the Nazis objected. At the 1933 book burnings Wells' two-volume historical work, The Outline of History: Being ...

  5. H. H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds; El hombre sin sombra; L. La isla del doctor Moreau (película de 1996) N. Nuevo viaje a la luna; T. The Invisible Man Returns; The Time Machine (película de 1960) Things to Come; Time After Time (película de 1979) V. Viaje a la Luna

  6. The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells was published in 1897. It was Wells’ fifth novel, published after The Wheel of Chance and The Island of Dr. Moreau in 1896 and The Time Machine and The Wonderful Visit in 1895. In 1898, Wells wrote The War of the Worlds. ...

  7. Herbert George Wells (n.21 septembrie 1866, Bromley, Kent - d. 13 august 1946, Londra), cunoscut mai bine sub numele de H. G. Wells, a fost un scriitor englez celebru pentru cărțile sale de ficțiune precum Mașina timpului, Războiul lumilor, Omul invizibil, Primii oameni în Lună și Insula Doctorului Moreau.A mai publicat nuvele contemporane, istorie și comentarii sociale.

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