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  1. › topic › 19600866吉普赛人 - 知乎

    “吉普赛”一词源于欧洲人对罗姆人起源的误解,当时欧洲人误以为罗姆人来自埃及,于是称之为“埃及人”,而“吉普赛”(Gypsy)是“埃及”(Egypt)的音 . 历史 . 一般认为,吉普赛人经屡次迁徙,离开印度,11世纪到波斯,14世纪初到东南欧,15世纪到西欧。

  2. 二、关于剧情. 『Gypsy』的本质其实和『达洛维夫人』完全一致,只不过少了许多书中的『如梦般的呓语』,更加现实,也更加贴近现代生活。. 两部作品都是女性为主角,讲述她们虽然表面丰衣足食、生活幸福,实际上内心强烈的不满足,她们渴望更多,而这种 ...

  3. 10 de feb. de 2022 · Re: Gypsy Families of Portsmouth. « Reply #1 on: Thursday 10 February 22 22:32 GMT (UK) ». Can you provide christian names & a timescale please. There is a 1932 marriage between Ernest F Lush & Queenie A Carter in Portsmouth. There are births in Fareham 1905 for Ernest & 1906 for Queenie Alice but until you confirm they ...

  4. I've just been given a link for a new site about New Forest Gypsies: The site includes over a 100 old photos for families that include Doe, Hughes, Cooper, James and Sherrad and so on. So well worth a look if you're researching these names in Hampshire. Best wishes. Sharon. Smith - East Anglia & Lancashire.

  5. 14 de dic. de 2019 · Re: So what makes someone a Gypsy (or Traveller)? As far as I am aware, no one has ever been allocated a percentage of “gypsy” ethnicity. Those ethnicity estimates, are just that, an estimate, and a very rough one at that, and are compared to a small database of others who have an alleged ancestry paper trail from specific regions.

  6. Early German Gypsy Surnames. Prior to the 1800's German Gypsies were given the titles of Jauner,Gauner,Umherziehir or labelled as a "Jewish Bandit" these terms were Vague and given to most travelling peoples by the early 1800's they titled them "Zigeuner" by the mid 1800's the Policing Authorities decided to collect genealogical data similar to ...

  7. 27 de jul. de 2018 · Hello, my family surname is Webb, which is on the gypsy surname list, and my family are very gypsy-like and have most of the gypsy aspects. I do not however know if we are gypsies or travellers or anything like that, but I would like to know. My grandfather was Barry Norman Webb who was born in 1948 and died in Salisbury hospital in 2014.

  8. Cooper is def a gypsy name here in the South West. Not sure about the others. one of my ancestors was john cooper a gypsy hawker,born 1863 in Hampshire but spent there lives in Devon . his wife was called Louisa. they travelled with the Burr family but records are hard to come by as they never registered births or marriages.any info on either of them would be welcome.or goodwin family who were ...

  9. 7 de ene. de 2015 · is a totally free family history forum to help you. Advertise on RootsChat;, Europa House, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 5BT United Kingdom

  10. There appears to be a family tree for your Joshua Lovell on where his wife is given as Lilian/Lily Maud Beavis, married 23 January 1911 in Cardiff. Does that match what you know about him already? If it does, this Joshua appears to be the son of a Henry Lovell, according to the tree's owner.

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