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  1. Graveyard Keeper』では、時間や曜日といった概念は存在するが、それに縛られる必要はない。 ゲーム内にはエネルギー(スタミナ)の概念が存在しており、何か行動(墓整理や倒木、クラフトなど)を起こすとエネルギーが消費される。

  2. 6 de feb. de 2019 · grave/tomb/cemetery (お墓)の意味の違い. grave は 遺体を埋葬する穴やその場所 を指します。. My grandmother’s grave is located in the cemetery down the street. 祖母の墓はこの先の墓地にある。. I visit my grandfather’s grave every year to pay my respects. 私は毎年、祖父の墓を訪れて、敬意 ...

  3. The Graveyard is a mini-biome that appears when five or more Tombstones are in close proximity of the player. Unique Graveyard enemies spawn here day and night, as well as the usual creatures of the night, and the spawn rate is increased. NPC vendors have unique trades here, and the Ecto Mist on the ground enables unique crafting recipes for the player. These functional effects are only active ...

  4. Police Commissioner Önem leads a special investigations unit that solves tough cases involving violence against women. Watch trailers & learn more.

  5. It is a graveyard surrounded by pine trees. 那是一片坟场,四周松柏耸立. 期刊摘选. He suggested we have to go to eat despite my graveyard shift. 他提议说咱们没去外国疑问在我的大夜班之后一起去吃物品. 期刊摘选. Don't 1 wander from graveyard to 2 ) graveyard , reading endless 3 ) tombstones. 你无须 ...

  6. 1. (campo santo) a. el cementerio. (M) Olga dared Pete to spend the night in the graveyard.Olga retó a Pete a que pasara una noche en el cementerio. b. el camposanto. (M) Sometimes Victor goes to the graveyard to visit his grandfather's grave. A veces Victor va al camposanto a visitar la tumba de su abuelo. c. el panteón.

  7. Killed by Google is the Google graveyard; a free and open source list of discontinued Google services, products, devices, and apps. We aim to be a source of factual information about the history surrounding Google's dead projects. Contributors from around the world help compile, research, and maintain the information about dying and dead Google ...

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