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  1. ジョージ・ワシントン(英語: George Washington 、グレゴリオ暦:1732年 2月22日 - 1799年 12月14日(ユリウス暦:1731年 2月11日生まれ) )は、アメリカ合衆国の軍人、政治家。初代アメリカ大統領 。 アメリカ合衆国建国の父のひとりとされている 。

  2. George Washington’s Mount Vernon is the historic home of George and Martha Washington, located 13 miles south of Washington, DC. Guests can see the historic mansion, stately rooms, and outbuildings preserved to the year 1799, the last year of George Washington’s life. Owned and operated by the Mount Vernon Ladies Association, George Washington’s Mount Vernon has been visited by world ...

  3. 20 de feb. de 2023 · En esta representación artística, en 1789, George Washington, a la derecha, se rehúsa a aceptar los términos, después del asedio de Yorktown, por parte del general británico Charles Cornwallis.

  4. 1 de ago. de 2016 · In 1789, George Washington became the first person to hold the office of President of the United States. Portrait of George Washington, painted by Gilbert Stuart, 1797. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons. As president and head of the executive branch, Washington was responsible for enforcing the government that the Constitution created.

  5. Feb. 22, 1732 George Washington is born in a modest house at Popes Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia. His father, Augustine, is a plantation owner who dies when George is 11. June 15, 1775 ...

  6. Qué hizo George Washington. George Washington fue uno de los presidentes más importantes de los Estados Unidos, que se encargó de ratificar la Declaración de Derechos e hizo que cinco estados más entraran en dicha unión. Evitó que su país entrara a la guerra entre Gran Bretaña y Francia por medio de la proclamación de neutralidad.

  7. George Washington. Date of Birth - Death February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799. On December 14, 1799, George Washington, the first President of the United States, died at his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia. Congress commissioned Henry “Light-Horse Harry” Lee a fellow Virginian, army veteran, and friend to pen an appropriate eulogy.

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