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Džordžas Harisonas (angl.George Harrison; 1943 m. vasario 25 d. Liverpulyje – 2001 m. lapkričio 29 d. Los Andžele) – vokalistas, dainų autorius, filmų prodiuseris, geriausiai žinomas kaip pagrindinis britų muzikos grupės „The Beatles“ gitaristas. Sukūrė žinomas dainas, kaip antai „Taxman“, „I Want To Tell You“, „Here Comes The Sun“, „Think For Yourself ...
George Harrison & Ravi Shankar’s Orchestra – Dispute and Violence (Live) My Sweet Lord . Isn’t It A Pity (Take 27) Cosmic Empire . Run of the Mill (Take 36) All Things Must Pass 50th Anniversary (Official Trailer) The Inner Light – Dhani Harrison . Got My ...
5 de jul. de 2021 · In 1970, following The Beatles disbandment, Harrison did just that and released one of the most poignant albums of any Beatles solo career with the brilliant LP All Things Must Pass.He then went one further and created a chart-topping new album in 1987 with Cloud Nine.. Between those LPs and his work on The Beatles later output, Harrison can boast some of the most beautiful songs ever written.
George Harrison`s What Is Life was a #10 USA hit single in 1971 and #3 hit in Germany but was not released in the UK as a single.
George vyrastal v harmonickej írskej katolíckej rodine (matka Louisa Harrisonová, otec Harold Harrison) v anglickom meste Liverpool spoločne s tromi súrodencami (sestrou Louise, bratmi Haroldom ml. a Petrom). Do školy začal chodiť na Dovedale Road Infants & Juniors School, v blízkosti Jednej zo slávnych liverpoolskych ulíc menom Penny Lane.
George Harrison. Actor: A Hard Day's Night. A master musician, a film producer and actor, best known as the lead guitarist and occasionally lead vocalist of The Beatles, George Harrison was born February 25, 1943, in Liverpool, Merseyside, England. He was also the youngest of four children, born to Harold Harrison and Louise Harrison. Like his future band mates, Harrison was not born into wealth.
George Harrison MBE (Liverpool, 25 de febrer de 1943 - Los Angeles, 29 de novembre de 2001) fou un cantant, guitarrista i compositor de rock. Biografia. De família obrera, als quinze anys aprengué a tocar la guitarra i el 1958 conegué John Lennon i Paul McCartney a l'institut d'ensenyament de Quarry. [1]