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  1. Gary Snyder - The author of numerous books of poetry and prose, former Chancellor Gary Snyder won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, the 2012 Wallace Stevens Award, an American Academy of Arts and Letters Award, and a Guggenheim Foundation fellowship, among others.

  2. 10 de sept. de 2020 · The Gary Snyder of 1970—father, husband, householder, citizen, and taxpayer—had become a public figure at a moment when the environment was suddenly on the U.S. political agenda. These were the years of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

  3. 加里·斯奈德(Gary Snyder,1930-),是20世纪美国著名诗人、散文家、翻译家、禅宗信徒、环保主义者、BG代表人物之一,2003年他当选为美国诗人学院院士,先后出版有十六卷诗文集,《龟岛》获得了1975年度普利策诗歌奖。斯奈德是是“垮掉派”少数仅存的硕果之一,也是这个流派中诗歌成就较大的诗人。

  4. Gary Snyder is known for many influential poems, but one of his most famous and often cited works is ‘Riprap.’This poem, from the collection, also titled Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems, published in 1959, encapsulates Snyder’s deep ecological awareness, his appreciation for the natural world, and his Zen Buddhist influences.

  5. 加里·斯奈德(英語: Gary Snyder ,1930年5月8日 — ),美国 诗人(常与垮掉的一代联系在一起),随笔作家、演说家,他还是环保活动家,常被看作「深層生態學的桂冠詩人」(poet laureate of Deep Ecology),这个角色反应了他在佛教精神与自然中的投入。 作为一名社会评论家,斯奈德的观点与刘易斯· ...

  6. 20 de ago. de 2019 · Gary Snyder is an American poet closely associated with Zen Buddhism and a deep respect for nature and the environment. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1975 for his book of poems Turtle Island.He has published numerous volumes of poems and essays, and is the prototype for one of the main characters in a classic Beat Generation novel by Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums.

  7. Extract from the feature-length documentary 'I, The Poet Gary Snyder'.Find more at