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  1. Full Metal JacketPełny magazynek. Full Metal Jacket – dramat wojenny produkcji USA z 1987 roku w reżyserii Stanleya Kubricka, na podstawie pół-autobiograficznej powieści Gustava Hasforda The Short-Timers, opisującej udział autora w wojnie wietnamskiej .

  2. Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Joker, młody rekrut, który pracuje jako korespondent wojenny, na własne oczy przekonuje się, czym jest wojna w Wietnamie.

  3. During patrol, Crazy Earl (Kieron Jecchinis), the squad leader, is killed by a booby trap, leaving Cowboy in command. The squad becomes lost and Cowboy orders Eightball (Dorian Harewood) to scout the area. A Viet Cong sniper wounds Eightball and the squad medic, Doc Jay (John Stafford), attempts to save him against orders, being wounded himself.

  4. 17 de jun. de 1987 · 全金属外壳1985年剧本与电影的区别. 这篇影评可能有剧透. 大概是我天资比较愚钝,电影刚看完还有些地方不太理解,所以找来剧本看了看 (结尾有剧本原文链接)。. 老库最终的成品跟一开始的剧本还是有很多不一样的。. 个人觉得剧本看了以后更有一种 ...

  5. Bande Annonce Officielle du Film "FULL METAL JACKET" réalisé par Stanley Kubrick. Pendant la guerre du Vietnam, la préparation et l'entrainement d'un groupe ...

  6. The story of an 18-year-old marine recruit named Private Joker - from his carnage-and-machismo boot camp to his climactic involvement in the heavy fighting in Hue during the 1968 Tet Offensive.

  7. Edited by. Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket" is more like a book of short stories than a novel. Many of the passages seem self-contained, some of them are masterful and others look like they came out of the bottom drawer. This is a strangely shapeless film from the man whose work usually imposes a ferociously consistent vision on his material.

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