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Mentes brillantes película dirigida por Thomas Lilti y protagonizada por Vincent Lacoste, William Lebghil y Michel Lerousseau. Año: 2018. Sinopsis: Dos jóvenes muy distintos unen sus fuerzas para conseguir entrar en la prestigiosa carrera de Medicina de una universidad francesa.
The Freshmen: Directed by Thomas Lilti. With Vincent Lacoste, William Lebghil, Michel Lerousseau, Darina Al Joundi. Friendship sparks between newcomer Benjamin and held-back Antoine during the first year of medical school.
1 de ene. de 1997 · The Freshmen es una película estrenada en el año 1997 dirigida por John Rutherford . Está protagonizada por Sven, Travis Wade, Jeremy Penn...College sure isn't what it used to be, especially student bodies as hot and horny as these!
The film's heart beats through its central, intense, and fragile relationship between two ambitious young men. Aug 2, 2019. TOP CRITIC. A rambling and semi-impressionistic account of two...
The Freshmen follows Antoine, who is about to start his first year of medical school, for the third time. Meanwhile, Benjamin, fresh out of high school, will have his first stab at it. He...
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