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  1. 17 de abr. de 2020 · Fetch The Bolt Cutters’ has been Fiona Apple’s longest-gestating album yet. The native New Yorker, who last released a record in 2012 (‘The Idler Wheel…’), clearly feels little ...

  2. I present to you one of the critically acclaimed albums of 2020.Set to 480p for legible lyrics.Absolute Faves: I Want You to Love Me, Shameika, Fetch the Bol...

  3. Listen to Fetch The Bolt Cutters on Spotify · Album · Fiona Apple · 2020 · 13 songs

  4. Escucha Fetch The Bolt Cutters de Fiona Apple en Apple Music. Reproduce canciones como "I Want You To Love Me", "Shameika" y más. Álbum · 2020 · 13 canciones.

  5. 17 de abr. de 2020 · Fetch the Bolt Cutters从来不说教,甚至在(容易引发说教的)For Her中也没有,这是Fiona Apple在Brett Kavanaugh可耻的最高法院听证会(译者注:美国大法官提名人Brett Kavanaugh被指多年前性侵多名女子的事件,特朗普听证会结束后在社交网站发帖,指卡瓦诺的供词“有力、诚实、具说服力”)之后写的。

  6. Fetch the Bolt Cutters ha ottenuto l'acclamo universale da parte dei critici musicali, molti dei quali lo hanno elevato a classico istantaneo, capolavoro e miglior lavoro di Fiona Apple. [26] Su Metacritic, sito che assegna un punteggio normalizzato su 100 in base a critiche selezionate, l'album ha ottenuto un punteggio medio di 98 basato su diciotto critiche.

  7. The sparse “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” is backed by drumsticks seemingly smacking whatever surface might be in sight. “Relay” (featuring a refrain, “Evil is a relay sport/When the one who’s burned turns to pass the torch,” that Apple claims was excavated from an old journal from written she was 15) is driven almost entirely by drums that are at turns childlike and martial.

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