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  1. 12 de abr. de 2014 · Therefore, the word "fear" can be conjugated as a verb without the need for a preposition. At first glance, I could read the sentence as "She fears death" if it's something the person is continually fearful of. If you want to state that the person had—but no longer has—a fear of death, then it would be "She had feared death."

  2. 11 de oct. de 2010 · Oct 11, 2010. #3. I don't care for either one. Fear of implies he's afraid of himself and his demons. Fear about sounds right if it's Fears about: "I think he was finally able to articulate his fears about himself (do I smell bad; am I too compulsive; do I hurt people who only want to help me) and his demons (fear of commitment; compulsion to ...

  3. 24 de may. de 2021 · English - U.S., Chinese - Mandarin. May 24, 2021. #2. Fear (as a feeling towards something, i.e. shaking in fear) is uncountable, but fear (as a concern, or as specific instance of it, i.e. a fear of heights, fear for someone's safety) is countable. Depends on the context.

  4. 18 de sept. de 2009 · Constanţa. Română - România. Sep 18, 2009. #1. Usually it's "strike fear into someone's heart," but can we also say impose fear into someone's heart? Or impose fear upon someone? Any idea if/how "fear" can work with "impose?" "Inflict" is usually used with a concrete nouns so it can't work with "fear" because it's abstract, right? B.

  5. › question › 746344383047524812fear语法 - 百度知道

    展开全部. 【fear用法】. 1)fear作动词用,其后一般接不定式或 动名词 或者that从句,如fear to offend her或者fear offending her或者I fearthat I may offend her;. 2)普遍日常用语中,用be afraid比fear更常见,而fear后加lest从句更加不常见。. We were afraid (that) he might fail. We feared ...

  6. 9 de oct. de 2007 · Buenos Aires - Argentina. Spanish - Argentina. Oct 9, 2007. #2. Instil + fear: (v.) = infundir miedo. Las acciones violentas e inhumanas de los soldados infundieron miedo entre la gente / a la población.

  7. Hola foreros: ¿Cómo dirían lo siguiente? "This process differs from the traditional fear-based approach". Refiere a la estrategia (anticuada) de convencer a los jóvenes que no usen drogas dándoles miedo de que se vayan a morir o volver locos. Mi intento es: "Este proceso es distinto del (a) enfoque/estrategia tradicional basado (a) en miedo".

  8. 2、with fearfear表示“可能性”时,用作不可数名词,其后常接介词of短语。fear后可接that引导的同位语从句。for fear that连接的从句总是虚拟的,并用肯定结构。 三、侧重点不同. 1、in fear:可以表达一种不明缘由的恐惧。 2、with fear:with前面要给出恐惧的来源。

  9. 31 de ago. de 2009 · fear 可不可数?fear是否可数,需要结合它的意思来看具体说明如下:fear的中文翻译名词 n. 1.害怕,恐惧[U][(+of)][+(that)]:此时不可数She has a great fear of water.

  10. 14 de may. de 2021 · I froze with fear. vs. I was frozen with fear. Is there any difference between them meaning-wise? The active verb is used in the first sentence, and the passive verb is used in the second one. But I can see those two sentences in the dictionary. :confused:

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