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  1. emlyon is a leading French business school with 6 campuses in the world. It offers a range of programs from bachelor to executive education, with a focus on early makers pedagogy and social and environmental responsibility.

    • Study at emlyon

      Discover the range of programs delivered by emlyon business...

    • Work together

      Thanks to the apprenticeship tax, emlyon can continue to...

    • Institution

      emlyon business school : International and European business...

    • International

      Our international presence attracts the best students in the...

    • Our commitments

      Faithful to its roots and humanist values, emlyon business...

    • Global BBA

      Take the 4-minute quiz to discover if this Global BBA taught...

    • Incubator

      Become an entrepreneur and join the emlyon community. The...

    • Press and Media Room

      Discover emlyon business school . Discover our school's...

  2. emlyon business school est une grande école française qui propose des formations de commerce et de management à tous les niveaux. Elle dispose de six campus dans le monde, d'une faculté internationale, d'une pédagogie innovante et d'un accompagnement aux entrepreneurs.

  3. Emlyon Business School is a private business school in Lyon, France, established in 1872, and affiliated with the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A grande école de commerce, Emlyon Business School offers a wide range of academic programs, including the Global BBA, Masters in Management, M.Sc. in Finance, MBA, and Exec.

  4. emlyon business school is a top-ranked university in Lyon, France, with 6 campuses worldwide and a community of 38,600 alumni. It offers a range of programs in business, management, sustainability and international trade, with a focus on skill hybridization and social responsibility.

  5. Join emlyon business school's International MBA and prepare yourself for an international leadership position and a large exciting network.

  6. Emlyon Business School es una escuela de negocios internacional y una de las principales Grandes Escuelas en Francia. Es una de las más antiguas escuelas de negocios en el mundo, establecida en 1872. Posee campus propios en París, Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Casablanca, Shanghái, Bhubaneswar, y Bombay. [1] [2]