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  1. Dustin Lee Hoffman (born August 8, 1937) is an American actor and filmmaker. He is known for his versatile portrayals of antiheroes and emotionally vulnerable characters. Actor Robert De Niro described him as "an actor with the everyman's face who embodied the heartbreakingly human". At a young age Hoffman knew he wanted to study in the arts, and entered into the Los Angeles Conservatory of ...

  2. Dustin Hoffman má svoju vlastnú produkčnú spoločnosť, ktorá produkovala niekoľko filmov v ktorých hral ( Tootsie, Hrdina proti svojej vôli, Vrtieť psom ). Hoffman sa prvýkrát oženil v roku 1969 s Anne Byrne, s ktorou má dve deti. Rozviedli sa v roku 1980 a ešte v tom istom roku sa druhýkrát oženil s Lisou Gottsegen, s ktorou ...

  3. Dustin Lee Hoffman (rođen 8. augusta 1937) američki je filmski glumac, dvostruki dobitnik Oscara, pet puta Zlatnog globusa, tri BAFTA-e i jednog Emmyja. Biografija Rani život. Hoffman je rođen u Los Angelesu ...

  4. Dustin Lee Hoffman (n. 8 august 1937, Los Angeles, California, SUA) este un actor american. A obținut Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun actor în anii 1980 (pentru Kramer contra Kramer (film)) și 1989 . Joacă în roluri de antieroi și personaje vulnerabile. ...

  5. Dustin Hoffman puso de moda a los feos, pero atractivos, dentro y fuera de la pantalla, y uno tiene la sensación de que ninguna mujer se habría fijado en él, si no fuera por el protagonista de tantas y tantas películas (otro que también tiene mucho mérito es Woody Allen).Las espectadoras salían del cine diciendo “no es guapo, pero tiene algo”, que es lo máximo a lo que algunos ...

  6. 20 de nov. de 2012 · Dustin Hoffman has disproved this distinction. A three-time BAFTA winner and five-time nominee, his immersive, effortlessly convincing performances have placed him in the upper echelon of Hollywood’s leading men. Hoffman’s acting career began when, at age 19, he dropped out of college to pursue the stage at the Pasadena Playhouse.

  7. An actor's actor, a perfectionist, and wildly talented, Dustin Hoffman is rightly regarded as one of the greatest film actors of all time. Along with several other 70's acting greats (see my list, "the actors of the 70's); Nicholson, Pacino, De Niro and Hoffman affected acting and movie making in a new and profound way, elevating the acting craft to a new level of realism and excellence.

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