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  1. Hace 2 días · Their lineup coalesced around Roger Daltrey on rhythm guitar, Townshend on lead guitar, Entwistle on bass, Doug Sandom on drums, and Colin Dawson as vocalist. [27] Daltrey was considered the leader of the group and, according to Townshend, "ran things the way he wanted them."

  2. › richest-celebrities › rock-starsPete Townshend Net Worth

    In the early '60s, Townshend joined a band called the Detours. Eventually, he became the lead guitarist and joined figures like Roger Daltrey and Doug Sandom.

  3. Hace 5 días · Answer: Doug Sandom The five piece band started to perform covers of pop tunes, before switching to covers of American rhythm and blues (American R&B). Dawson soon left the band and Daltrey took over as lead vocalist.

  4. Hace 18 horas · Il 7 settembre 1978, esattamente 46 anni fa, il rock perdeva uno dei suoi più grandi batteristi: Keith Moon.Nato a Londra il 23 agosto 1946, Keith John Moon (questo il nome completo) nel 1964 entrò a far parte degli Who al posto di Doug Sandom.Con la band visse 14 anni di successi ed eccessi, concedendosi un’unica avventura da solista, nell’inedita veste di cantante: il disco Two Sides ...

  5. Hace 4 días · Essential Who Trivia Quiz. Hope this won't be too difficult but any Who fan out there should be okay with these ten questions. Enjoy. A multiple-choice quiz by chris42. Estimated time: 5 mins.

  6. Hace 4 días · Doug Sandom would be 94 years 6 months 8 days old if still alive. He was 89 when he died 5 years ago. Born.

  7. › wiki › Doug_FlutieDoug Flutie - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · Douglas Richard Flutie (born October 23, 1962) is an American former football quarterback who played professionally for 21 seasons. He played 12 seasons in the National Football League (NFL), eight seasons in the Canadian Football League (CFL), and one season in the United States Football League (USFL).