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    relacionado con: Don Ameche
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  1. Biografía, carrera y filmografía del actor y director estadounidense Don Ameche, ganador del Óscar por Cocoon. Conoce sus inicios en el vodevil, la radio, el teatro y el cine, sus matrimonios, sus hijos y sus premios.

  2. › wiki › Don_AmecheDon Ameche - Wikipedia

    Don Ameche was an American actor, comedian and vaudevillian who starred in films, radio, television and stage. He won an Oscar for Cocoon (1985) and was known for his roles in Midnight (1939), The Story of Alexander Graham Bell (1939) and Trading Places (1983).

  3. › name › nm0000747Don Ameche - IMDb

    Don Ameche was a versatile and popular American film actor in the 1930s and '40s, usually as the dapper, mustached leading man. He was also popular as a radio master of ceremonies during this time. As his film popularity waned in the 1950s, he continued working in theater and some TV.

  4. 12 de may. de 2010 · Watch Cher present Don Ameche with the Oscar for his role in Cocoon at the 58th Academy Awards. Learn more about the actor, the film and the ceremony in the video description and transcript.

  5. Learn about the life and career of Don Ameche, a versatile and popular American film actor in the 1930s and '40s, who also worked in radio and theater. Find out his birth name, nickname, family, trademark, trivia, quotes and more.

  6. › actores-y-actrices › el-imprescindible-don-amecheEl imprescindible Don Ameche - Espinof

    31 de may. de 2016 · Los imprescindibles. Un 31 de mayo nació Don Ameche —nombre verdadero: Dominic Felix Ameche—, actor estadounidense que participó en 57 películas. Comenzó en el vodevil formando un...

  7. 8 de dic. de 1993 · Don Ameche, who was one of Hollywood's busiest and most versatile stars in the 1930's and 40's and who saw his fame triumphantly rekindled when he won an Oscar for his work in the comedy "Cocoon"...