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  1. L'outil d’aide au divorce conjoint. Gratuit et simple d'utilisation, l'outil d'aide au divorce conjoint de JuridiQC accompagne les couples mariés, sans enfants nés de leur union, à constituer eux-mêmes leur dossier de divorce conjoint. De la préparation des documents à leur dépôt au palais de justice, nous vous guidons étape par ...

  2. When you file your Application for Divorce, you must provide the Court with a copy of your marriage certificate. If your marriage certificate is not in English, you need to file an English translation of it, and an affidavit from the translator. See the affidavit translation of marriage certificate form. If your marriage was conducted overseas ...

  3. Le divorce pour faute. Le divorce par consentement mutuel est la seule forme de divorce « à l’amiable ». Les trois autres types de divorce que nous allons vous présenter sont des divorces « contentieux » : ils impliquent des désaccords plus ou moins importants entre les deux époux.Ce sont des divorces conflictuels dont le coût peut être très élevé.

  4. You need to apply to a court for a divorce. As a general rule, to be able to divorce in Canada, you must meet ALL of the following criteria: You and your spouse are legally married under the laws of Canada, or under the laws of another country and that marriage is recognized in Canada. Your marriage has broken down.

  5. If you are petitioning for divorce on your own account, fill in a petition form and take it personally to the Family Court Registry, M2, Wanchai Law Courts, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Hong Kong. If you and your spouse have agreed to jointly apply to the court, you should together fill in a joint application form and submit it as above.

  6. You can find the name of an attorney by consulting your local telephone directory or the North Carolina Lawyer Referral Service at 1-800-662-7660. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for advice or assistance from Legal Aid of North Carolina at 1-866-219-5262. No one except an attorney can advise you of your legal rights.

  7. To start the divorce process you need to have a summons served. A divorce summons must be served personally on the defendant by the sheriff of the court. There are two types of divorces, contested and uncontested divorce. The uncontested divorce is the best and most cost effective for all parties concerned. It can be finalised within 4 weeks.

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