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  1. Deep Blue Sea is one of my favorite movies, and with its 20th anniversary approaching on July 28th, I decided to over-analyze the movie to breakdown the surprise death of Russell Franklin (Samuel L. Jackson). Even if you haven’t watched Deep Blue Sea, I’m 92.434% certain you know about Samuel L. Jackson’s surprise death, because it’s ...

  2. 18 de jun. de 2024 · In Deep Blue Sea, Susan lost her dad to Alzheimer's, so that's why i felt she isn't a villain and why i felt she didn't deserve to die. She did care about her colleagues. The reason people act like she didn't care about them or tried to save them is because, most audiences have the memory of a goldfish, and also they have a ''Good Guys, Bad Guys, all or nothing'' mentality.

  3. 11 de nov. de 2021 · Deep blue sea has everything. Poorly written dialogue with some big name actors, lots of blood but also terrible CGI specifically the scene where Samuel L Jackson’s character gets bit in half by the shark. Also the animatronic shark looked pretty cool and realistic as well.

  4. 17 de abr. de 2024 · Deep Blue Sea says "Why not? Did you see what we did to Sam Jackson?" I think it was a bit over the top to have her get munched up like that. A more off-screen death would have probably worked better, also it looks pretty bad with the special effects of the time.

  5. 3 de abr. de 2024 · Here's a link, I recently finished reading the screenplay to Deep Blue Sea (1999) and they should have stuck with the original ending and story : r/horror ( Look up Deep Blue Sea and Susan McCallister and you'll see what I'm talking about. And I'm not peaching to anyone. I'm not a preacher, teacher or a role model.

  6. 12 de jul. de 2022 · This was a fun little thought experiment as I enjoy some shark movies. I love Deep Blue Sea, and I will always defend it as a great, entertaining 90s movie. Call it silly, complain about the dated CGI, watching this never feels like a wasted hour and forty-five minutes. Now, I throw this opinion to the wolves to shred away.

  7. 8 de abr. de 2024 · Deep Blue Sea is mainly regarded by many as a mere cheap 90s popcorn flick but I feel this extra content would have made it a genuinely good story with plenty of emotion to boot. There was so much depth to Susan's character that was cut to make you feel more impartial toward her so the death would feel less tragic and more deserved.

  8. 5 de mar. de 2019 · Crooks hollow is the golden key, between the sky and deep blue sea through the gloom to the endless lizard painting ye are bidden, examining this map somehting else is hidden theyll not find the sunstone in the bay my captain scoffed, but should you do hold lantern aloft i have no idea :(

  9. It doesn't matter if it's the same director, Deep Water is different from Deep Blue Sea, aside from it being about sharks. In 2009, Renny Harlin said that Deep Blue Sea was the hardest film he ever made because most of the shooting days involved standing in water or being underwater for long periods. Here's what he said,

  10. 22 de ago. de 2021 · Deep Blue Sea is one of my favorite shark movies of all time, along with one of my more favorite horror flicks. I love the setup, I love the storyline progression, the kills are still spectacular 23 years later, and the CGI has held up particularly well. Everything is great, and why I've watched it continuously since I got it on VHS in 2000.

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