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  1. My 14 Years of NDE Research Shows What Is Coming to Mankind | David Suich - YouTube. One of the things near death experiences will say they'll. 0:00 / 1:08:06. Watch This FREE NDE Course:...

  2. This book presents the hidden truth. Death is no different than waking up from a dream. You cannot die. Author Bio: David Suich is a near-death experience researcher, author, and spiritual counselor, and is currently serving on the board of directors of the Near-Death Institute.

  3. THE NEW WORLD OF LOVE IS COMING! - YouTube. David Suich, author of, "God Took My Clothes" and spiritual counselor, is a retired engineer who founded and operated Steps of Hope Outreach, a ...

  4. Life After Life: 15 Years of NDE Research | David Suich - YouTube. 0:00 / 1:05:12. David Suich is a retired engineer and certified spiritual counselor who founded and operated Steps of Hope...

  5. Mis 14 años de investigación sobre ECM muestran lo que le espera a la humanidad | David Suich. 24 de noviembre. | Next Level Soul. David Suich es un ingeniero jubilado que fundó y dirigió Steps of Hope Outreach, una organización sin fines de lucro que prestó servicios a orfanatos en Nepal, México y Haití desde 2003 hasta 2018.

  6. ‪Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of California - Berkeley‬ - ‪‪Cited by 172‬‬

  7. God Took My Clothes discusses what if feels like to die, the life review, the environments of Heaven and Hell, God's view of religion, the nature of our existence, humanity's future, and the...