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  1. 11 de feb. de 2020 · Perhaps the most relevant way to describe this location however is to revert to the master himself, Dorset writer Thomas Hardy, whose novels embrace the landscape so well and Cranborne Chase in particular in Tess of the D’Urbervilles: “the soft azure landscape of the chase – a truly venerable tract of forest land, one of the few remaining woodlands in England of undoubted primaeval date ...

  2. School for the very gifted.

  3. Larger woodlands of note include Cranborne Chase of which 451 hectares is SSSI, Grovely Wood to the west of Salisbury and Great Ridge Wood to the north. The National Landscape has been identified as an Ancient Woodland Priority Area by the Forestry Commission (from 2009 onwards).

  4. Cranborne Chase is unique in that it is the only one of the 46 National Landscapes in the UK that is also an International Dark Sky Reserve, a recognition of the skies exceptional quality and is worthy of protection. Visit our website for more information.

  5. It is my privilege to welcome you to Cranborne School and an honour to serve as the Headteacher. Our school is a place of fun, laughter, learning and a willingness to succeed; to be the very best we can be. We recognise that children are uniquely different - all possessing different skills and abilities.

  6. Clare Shepherd is an artist and a painter who lives and works on The Cranborne Chase in Dorset. She studied at Somerset College of Arts and Technology and The Slade School of Fine Art where she was The Slade Prizewinner for her graduating year. She exhibits in Dorset on a regular basis and further afield usually once every two years.