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  1. Coriolan ( anglais : Coriolanus) est une tragédie de William Shakespeare, créée en 1607 et publiée pour la première fois en 1623. Elle s'inspire de la vie de Coriolan, figure légendaire des débuts de la république romaine. Elle fait partie d'une série d’œuvres du dramaturge anglais dont le sujet est tiré de l'histoire romaine comme ...

  2. › wiki › CoriolanusCoriolanus - Wikipedia

    Coriolanus è un film del 2011 diretto da Ralph Fiennes, ispirato alla tragedia di William Shakespeare Coriolano. Trama. Roma, tempi odierni. I cittadini sono in tumulto, hanno fame, chiedono pane e ascolto. C'è aria di insurrezione popolare ...

  3. Coriolanus is a 2011 British film adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy Coriolanus. It is directed by and stars Ralph Fiennes as the title character, with Gerard Butler as Tullus Aufidius, Vanessa Redgrave as Volumnia, and Brian Cox as Menenius. This is Fiennes' directorial debut. It places Shakespeare's original text and plot into a contemporary, pseudo-Balkan setting (filmed in Serbia ...

  4. 『コリオレイナス』(The Tragedy of Coriolanus)は、ウィリアム・シェイクスピアの悲劇。 5幕からなる。後期の戯曲で、シェイクスピア生前の上演記録は残っていない。 悲劇としては最後に書かれたものとされており、1608年ごろ執筆されたと推定されているが、他の後期作品と同様、その制作年代 ...

  5. Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus, legendary Roman hero of patrician descent who was said to have lived in the late 6th and early 5th centuries bc; the subject of Shakespeare’s play Coriolanus.According to tradition, he owed his surname to his bravery at the siege of Corioli (493 bc) in the war against the Volsci.In 491, when there was a famine in Rome, he advised that the people should not receive ...

  6. Coriolanus historia, såsom den har berättats av de antika historikerna, är en moralistisk berättelse, som visar på dåliga individuella respektive kollektiva handlingar, däribland illojalitet och otacksamhet. De flesta moderna forskare dömer idag ut historien som en legend, troligen påhittad som förklaring till och rättfärdigande av ...

  7. William Shakespeare Coriolanus Übersetzt von Dorothea Tieck unter der Redaktion von Ludwig Tieck Personen: Cajus Marcius Coriolanus, ein edler Römer. Titus Lartius und Cominius, Anführer gegen die Volsker. Menenius Agrippa, Coriolans Freund. Sicinius Velutus und Junius Brutus, Volkstribunen. Marcius, Coriolans kleiner Sohn. Ein römischer Herold

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