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  1. 1 de may. de 2012 · copycat (n.) by 1884, Amer.Eng., probably at least a generation older, from copy + cat. As a verb, from 1932. This Ngram tends to agree, with some instances before 1900, fairly constant use for most of the 20th century, but then a huge increase in the 1980s.

  2. 17 de ago. de 2013 · The Cranberries的《Copycat》 歌词歌曲名:Copycat歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Treasure Box : The Complete Sessions 1991-99They had an accident and they never noticed anywayA lack of originality couldn't

  3. 19 de oct. de 2013 · The closest I can think of is copycat. cop·y·cat (kp-kt) Informal n. One that closely imitates or mimics another. v. cop·y·cat·ted, cop·y·cat·ting, cop·y·cats. v.intr. To act as an imitator or mimic. To imitate closely; mimic. adj. Closely imitating or following another: a copycat version of a successful product; a copycat crime.

  4. 29 de may. de 2011 · The OED has that mimic means to imitate or copy (a person, action, etc.) esp. for the purposes of ridicule or satire, or to entertain.

  5. 29 de may. de 2015 · I might add the variant "cheap knock-off" to this answer. "knock-off" by itself does convey a lazy copy, with no real improvements, but given the desire to convey specific negativity from the OP, "cheap knock-off" may make it even clearer that it's likely worse than the inspiration.

  6. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

  7. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

  8. Most writers do in fact capitalise Camembert.....but usage isn't consistent. I'm not an expert with NGrams, but I think this chart suggests people are less likely to capitalise strong Cheddar when it's followed by the word cheese (i.e. - if the word "Cheddar" in isolation is used as a noun, we tend to capitalise; if it's an "adjectival" usage modifying the word "cheese", we don't).

  9. 22 de jul. de 2012 · While there are a number of sources that attribute the origin of this phrase to R.L. Stevenson's Treasure Island (pub. 1883), or alternatively, to the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco, c. 1876) which used it as a popular slogan, neither of them appears to be the right one.

  10. 22 de nov. de 2009 · 2015-02-09 copycat是什么意思 13 2018-04-15 “copycat”是什么意思? 1 2013-01-17 甪直有没有卖copyplay的东西? 2008-06-06 复制和拷贝有什么不同???是完全一样吗?没有一点区别吗? 5 2013-04-16 谁有好的动漫copyplay 的欣赏网站 求 2014-05-02 路由器启用了UPnP什么意思啊?UPNP是 ...

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