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Conard High School is a public school in West Hartford, Connecticut, that offers a rigorous and relevant curriculum, dynamic teaching, and a variety of clubs and activities. Find out the latest news, events, and information about Conard's programs, policies, and services.
- Conard Directory
Conard Directory - Conard High School
- Counselor Student Assignments & Contact Information
Counselor Student Assignments & Contact Information - Conard...
- Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health - Conard High School
- Student/Parent
Student School Store. Summer Reading and AP/ECE Info. Vision...
- Alumni & Reunions
Facebook: Conard High School Class of 1988 . Class of 1987...
- Athletics
Donations go directly to support a yearly scholarship at...
- School Calendar
School Calendar - Conard High School
- School Counseling
School Counseling - Conard High School
- Conard Directory
Find links to various online tools and services for students and parents of Conard High School in West Hartford, CT. Access PowerSchool, Naviance, Schoology, Edmodo, Google Account and more.
At Conard High School, where “Diversity is our strength,” is a dynamic spectrum of racial, religious, socioeconomic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds make up the student and faculty bodies. Conard offers a high- quality curriculum that provides students with a rigorous and well-rounded experience.
Conard High School is a public high school in West Hartford, Connecticut, named after Frederick Underwood Conard. It has a history of academic and athletic achievements, and notable alumni in various fields.
Learn about Conard High School, a top ranked public high school in Connecticut, with diverse programs and opportunities for students. Find out the school's address, phone number, staff, curriculum, grading system, and graduation requirements.
17 de sept. de 2024 · Conard High School is a public school in West Hartford, CT with 1,418 students in grades 9-12. It offers AP courses, college prep, clubs, sports, and has a diverse and engaged student body.
Find out the latest information about Conard High School athletics, including daily schedule, online registration, student-athlete handbook, and COVID-19 guidelines. Learn how to support the Title IX Scholarship Fund and follow the teams on Twitter.