Resultado de búsqueda
Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes. Start the generator! Explore trending palettes. iOS App.
Get useful color information like combinations, blindness simulation, libraries matching and converson in RGB, HSB, HSL and more.
Collection. Discover the newest hand-picked color palettes of Color Hunt. Get color inspiration for your design and art projects.
Palette Visualizer. Preview your colors on real designs for a better visual understanding. More templates to come! All designs. Mobile/Web UI.
Descubre paletas de colores populares de la comunidad de Adobe Color y busca temas por nombre, estado de ánimo o palabra clave con la búsqueda de colores. Haz clic en cualquier tema de color para editarlo directamente en la rueda.
Explore color themes. Discover popular color palettes from the Adobe Color community and search for themes by name, mood or keyword using color search. One click any color theme to edit it directly on the color wheel.
Adobe Color is a tool for designing and extracting color palettes and gradients from images, as well as creating accessible themes. is a free color tool providing information about any color and generating matching color palettes for your designs (such as complementary, analogous, triadic, tetradic or monochromatic colors schemes).
Color combinations determine the relative positions of different colors in order to find colors that create a pleasing effect. There are two types of color wheel. The RYB or red, yellow, blue color wheel is typically used by artists, as it helps with combining paint colors.
Color models. Figma’s free color wheel tool makes it easy to create professional color palettes. Choose from a variety of color schemes and start designing right away!