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  1. 29 de ago. de 2023 · Jeudi 24 août, Claude Ruiz Picasso, le plus jeune fils de Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), est décédé à Genève à l’âge de 76 ans, d’une cause non précisée, suivant de trois mois seulement sa mère Françoise Gilot, artiste et compagne du peintre de 1946 à 1953, disparue le 6 juin 2023 à l’âge de 101 ans. Né en 1947, Claude était le frère de Paloma, issue de cette même relation.

  2. Claude, Son of Picasso, 1948. Claude Polish outfit, 1948. Claude in the arms of his mother, 1948. Claude has two years with his horse on wheels, 1949. Claude has two years with his horse on wheels 1, 1949. Paloma and Claude, Children of Picasso, 1950. ..., 2009 - 2024 ...

  3. 9 de jun. de 2020 · Ruiz-Picasso currently has a collection of 60 artworks at auction at Sotheby's in London, including paintings, drawings, ceramics, photographs, and even old color palettes from his studio.

  4. My name is George Martha I'm sueing Claude ruiz Picasso in the federal court CT. For discriminating dictatorship and the meaningnof the word public and authentic and ownership of two Picasso going on 9 years he has not answered but a few times he had his office worker ask me to donate my art to him.his rule is dictatorship says Noone can go auction but with his permission it violates World law ...

  5. 21 de dic. de 2022 · Quiénes son y a qué se dedican los dos hijos de Picasso que aún viven. Picasso y sus hijos Paulo y Claude. GTRES. El mundo del arte se ha despertado con la trágica noticia de la muerte de Maya ...

  6. Claude Ruiz Picasso is a French photographer, cinematographer, movie director, visual artist, graphic designer, and businessman. He is a child of Françoise Gilot and Pablo Picasso and the older brother of Paloma Picasso; by wish on Gilot's part, he was named after Claude Gillot, a pioneering French Rococo artist and mentor to fellow artist Jean-Antoine Watteau.

  7. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, arquetipo de «el artista», genio, vital, follador…, creador de estilos, una leyenda ya en vida (que él contribuyó a forjar) y sin duda alguna, uno de los más grandes artistas de la historia. Dejó huella en cada una de sus múltiples etapas de sus períodos azul, rosa o blanco y negro, al cubismo que inventó ...